Decide and Declare

Decide and Declare
At that time I relied on hopes and prayers to make things happen. I hoped he would do the right thing, I hoped court would go well. I sat in a room and cried until I made the decision that I wasn’t going to take all this negativity anymore.

Stop Expecting His S*!t to Be S*!tty

Stop Expecting His S*!t to Be S*!tty
I spent so much energy thinking about how he was going to mess up my plans that I started banking on it. It controlled my life and my parenting which is exactly what he wants.

It’s Not Either/Or. It’s Always/Both With A Narcissist.

It’s Not Either/Or. It’s Always/Both With A Narcissist.
I realized it didn’t matter what I did, he was going to abuse my daughter. I got angry and thought, “How is this freedom from abuse when we’re both still being abused?!?”

Gratitude for Escaping a Narcissist

Gratitude for Escaping a Narcissist
Here is a message of encouragement to you in a time when you might be standing in what feels like an ocean right now and you might feel like you’re drowning.

Hope Is Not a Strategy

Hope Is Not a Strategy
Expect him to be the emotional roller coaster that he is and plan for it. When he does something good for the kids, chalk it up as a good day and roll with it. When he doesn’t, you’ve already planned for it and it doesn’t rock you to your core.
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