Instantly my chest clenched and my stomach was in knots because suddenly I was faced with this person who was a bit of a bully. I realized I needed to stand up to her but I wasn’t sure how to do it.
Everything was piling up and weighing on me, and one day I just couldn’t hold it in anymore. I sat down on the floor and sobbed. It all came crashing down on me and I couldn’t hide the feelings like I usually did.
You’ve probably gotten used to just doing whatever your ex wants because you’re afraid of what will happen if you don’t. You’ll know this stuff is coming and you can stand firm. Take it one boundary at a time and solve one problem at a time.
Is this your first Christmas and holiday season apart from your ex, or are you a seasoned veteran looking for tips to make this year smoother, with little to no drama?
You're smart to prepare in protecting your peace and setting your kids up to have the best holidays possible while dealing with a narcissistic father and ex!
If your ex, your kid's dad, is truly narcissistic, whether officially diagnosed or not, you must always remember that you're dealing with someone who is disordered in their thinking, in their emotions, and in their motives.
This reminder is not to feel sorry for him. I'm sure you've done enough of that for a lifetime like I have. No, this reminder is to help you plan for peace as much as possible, and to drop the hope that your ex will 'do the right thing' or 'not give me any problems' this holiday season.
You and I can get really angry at the ex after he pulls his antics, or defies the court order, or pushes us around and hurts our kids. AND, what I found is typically if we've given an inch, or we've agreed to steer away from the custody order, we end up getting bit in the butt by his drama, and then what happens? We lose our joy. We are super angry at the ex AND at ourselves for ever trusting him to do what's right.
Holidays are typically a time of good cheer, lots of good vibes, and the spirit of generosity abounds, including our desire to be generous to others, yes? We also tend to relax routines, and for you and me, it likely means we are more willing to relax boundaries that we've worked really hard to set up. You may be desiring to do everything possible so that your kids have this amazing holiday despite the fact that they have an abusive dad, despite that they're adjusting to two households, despite you working three jobs, whatever it is.
All the things I've listed that we know to be part of the holidays, your narcissistic ex will use as opportunities. Sound familiar? What I found is that with the narcissist, every change of routine, every sick day, snow day, every holiday equals an opportunity for him to weasel his way into your plans, ruin your plans, make the day about him, and a major opportunity for him to play up the victim card. He'll press you (or your kids) until you give him an inch. Then he'll take a mile!
Case in point: Several years ago, our custody order stated the ex was to bring our daughter to my home by 12pm Christmas Day. He texted around 11am and asked if they could have an extra hour since our daughter was having so much fun 'playing with her cousins'. My spirit of generosity and my desire to give my kid a stellar holiday responded, "Sure." FOUR HOURS LATER, and my daughter was not home with me as she should have been.
And what was I doing the entire time waiting for them, texting him with no answer, while my Christmas day slipped away as did my joy? I was SEETHING. I was super angry at him, but more than anything, I was uber mad at myself for giving him that inch. He exploited my generosity (and for the last time, I might add)!
Does this sound familiar to you, too? Do you have stories of your ex taking advantage of your generosity and desire to give your kids the best holidays where you've been burned by him?
I believe a huge part of why we allow these things to happen is we want to give our kids the world, we desire to shield them from hurtful things, and we would love to co-parent with our ex like 'regular people'. Meaning, we deeply wish the ex would truly care about our kids and put them first in making decisions.
But with narcissists, that is a dream that will never come true.
But with narcissists, that is a dream that will never come true.
So we find ourselves in situations where we're constantly being put in between a rock and a hard place by the ex. We know we can't give an inch or he'll take a mile, we are frequently pitted as the bad guy to our kids, and we also desire to co-parent in a healthy way. It's a no-win place so many times.
What can you do? What is the answer? A few ideas..,
1. Know your court order inside and out, to the letter. And FOLLOW IT (even if the ex doesn't).
2. Ask yourself some hard questions, like why you bend when the ex asks? Are you still believing he can do the right thing consistently? Are you holding onto a fantasy that can never be true in co-parenting with him?
For more questions to ask yourself and for more tips around following the Court Order, click on the link below!
God made you for this!

Lean in, Sister.
What I'm about to say comes from a place of LOVE and from a place of SHARED EXPERIENCE with you.
No matter what your ex, or soon-to-be-ex thinks or believes.
No matter what he tells you is 'his right' to say or do.
No matter how he has treated you in the past.
No matter however long the years were where you tolerated any of the following...
Demeaning you
Screaming at you
Scolding you
Talking down to you
Correcting you
Making fun of you
Calling you names
Treating you like you're dumb or less than in any way/shape/form
Guess What?
He doesn't get to treat you like that anymore.
"Easier said than done, Vickie."
"Sounds great, but it's so hard."
"I can't stand up to him because I'm afraid."
I said all of these, and more. For years.
You just DECIDED today, right now, in this moment, that your ex doesn't get to treat you like that anymore?
Decisions are SUPER POWERFUL my friend.
And Rome wasn't build in a day, right?
You typically don't go from decision to badass overnight.
Once you make this decision though, like REALLY make it in your heart, and believe it with every fiber of your being, then your view of every encounter, every email, every text changes.
Your lens is no longer "Oh I wish he would stop...", or "Why can't he just leave me alone..."
No. Your new lens, with the power of this decision behind it, is "I'm going to say no right now."
You respond to the next time he's screaming at you on the phone with, "I won't be treated like this. I'm hanging up now." And you hang up! (Then go barf if you have to because of how hard that was, it's all good.)
With every choice, you now move in the direction of being in alignment with the decision you made.
"He can no longer treat me like shit."
In fact, it helps me tremendously to say these decisions as declarations out loud.
Before you see him or have to interact with him.
Say it out loud when you wake up and anytime you feel unsure or afraid.
Every single day.
I promise you this, you will begin to feel things shift in your life. You will be in a better place a month from now than you are today.
How can I promise you this? Because I was sitting where you are right now, wishing and needing things to change, suffering endlessly under the power (that I was giving him! that you are giving yours!) of his post-separation abuse.
Say this out loud with me right now:
"He can no longer treat me like shit."
I'm here to help you stand firm in this!
Find support where I, and 500+ other women are standing up and saying no more HERE, in my FB GROUP community.
God made you for this!