It’s heartbreaking to know that your kids are suffering his wrath. It can be tempting to rescue and protect them by giving in.
Read more...We would love to co-parent like regular people. But we wind up in situations where we have to choose between the truth that we can’t give him an inch or he’ll take a mile and the fact that we want to do what’s good for the kids.
Read more...If there was no fear of either of those things, what would you do when the ex gets on the phone with your kid and starts emotionally abusing, verbally abusing, spiritually abusing, brainwashing, and manipulating them?
Read more...There was no boundary he wouldn’t cross just to keep the drama going. Separating and divorcing didn’t change any of it. Here’s what I discovered.
Read more...I started to put up boundaries but I would explain to him why I was doing it. BUT! By doing that I gave him a ton of fuel to turn it all back on me to hurt me and use it as a smear campaign! So we must remember, narcissists will use everything we say against us (if we allow them)!