Peace During the Holidays With a Narcissist IS Possible!

Peace During the Holidays With a Narcissist IS Possible!
We would love to co-parent like regular people. But we wind up in situations where we have to choose between the truth that we can’t give him an inch or he’ll take a mile and the fact that we want to do what’s good for the kids. 

When the Narcissist Withholds Your Kids

When the Narcissist Withholds Your Kids
He will fight desperately to control you in any way possible. And the easiest way to do that is to control innocent children. His desire to hurt you is so strong that he is willing to put innocent children through whatever it takes to get to you.

Gratitude for Escaping a Narcissist

Gratitude for Escaping a Narcissist
Here is a message of encouragement to you in a time when you might be standing in what feels like an ocean right now and you might feel like you’re drowning.

How to Handle It When Your Kids are With Their Narcissistic Dad

How to Handle It When Your Kids are With Their Narcissistic Dad
One of the biggest things that propels me and fuels me both in my life is to help mommas like you get themselves unstuck, especially in the areas where the ex has you paralyzed. Sharing custody sucks even if you have a healthy co-parenting relationship, let alone something completely toxic and imbalanced.