One Way to Counter Abuse

One Way to Counter Abuse
In my day-to-day life as a single mom, I was so afraid to talk to my daughter about anything related to abuse. I didn’t want to say anything against her dad, or tell her that he was wrong. I was so afraid of being vilified in court for badmouthing him.

Dealing With a Narcissist is Madness!

Dealing With a Narcissist is Madness!
As you look at your life right now, do you feel like you’re only really living for those times in between the tricks and the drama? You can rise above that madness.

How to Disarm a Narcissist

How to Disarm a Narcissist
I started to put up boundaries but I would explain to him why I was doing it. BUT! By doing that I gave him a ton of fuel to turn it all back on me to hurt me and use it as a smear campaign! So we must remember, narcissists will use everything we say against us (if we allow them)!

Asking for Help Can Heal Abuse Survivors

Asking for Help Can Heal Abuse Survivors
Learning to ask for and accept help can be a way to heal from the past trauma of abuse. It can be a way to heal from hyper independence and teach your kids how to have healthy relationships. This post explores the why and how of asking for help.


How to Handle It When Your Kids are With Their Narcissistic Dad

How to Handle It When Your Kids are With Their Narcissistic Dad
One of the biggest things that propels me and fuels me both in my life is to help mommas like you get themselves unstuck, especially in the areas where the ex has you paralyzed. Sharing custody sucks even if you have a healthy co-parenting relationship, let alone something completely toxic and imbalanced.