Feeling Victim Blamed, Shamed, Revictimized? Part 2

Feeling Victim Blamed, Shamed, Revictimized? Part 2
He was trying to lead me down a path where I was the one who did something wrong. This happens to us all until we get a strategy to stop playing into their questions so they can’t lead us down the path of defending ourselves, destroying our credibility.

Feeling Victim Blamed, Shamed, or Revictimized? Part 1

Feeling Victim Blamed, Shamed, or Revictimized? Part 1
Our society has been conditioned to blame the victim and to look for reasons why the victim provoked the abuse, instead of focusing on the actions of the abuser. If we, as a society, don’t look for reasons why the abuse happened, then the world is too scary.

Give Your Ex the Middle Finger

Give Your Ex the Middle Finger
Knowing that narcissists will never stop, it’s critical that you and I decide to take control of everything we can—countering the abuse of us and empowering our kids to do the same.

Hope Is Not a Strategy

Hope Is Not a Strategy
Expect him to be the emotional roller coaster that he is and plan for it. When he does something good for the kids, chalk it up as a good day and roll with it. When he doesn’t, you’ve already planned for it and it doesn’t rock you to your core.

How to Disarm a Narcissist

How to Disarm a Narcissist
I started to put up boundaries but I would explain to him why I was doing it. BUT! By doing that I gave him a ton of fuel to turn it all back on me to hurt me and use it as a smear campaign! So we must remember, narcissists will use everything we say against us (if we allow them)!
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