The Narcissist Won't Stop: He is Relentless

The Narcissist Won't Stop: He is Relentless
There was no boundary he wouldn’t cross just to keep the drama going. Separating and divorcing didn’t change any of it. Here’s what I discovered.

Give Your Ex the Middle Finger

Give Your Ex the Middle Finger
Knowing that narcissists will never stop, it’s critical that you and I decide to take control of everything we can—countering the abuse of us and empowering our kids to do the same.

Asking for Help Can Heal Abuse Survivors

Asking for Help Can Heal Abuse Survivors
Learning to ask for and accept help can be a way to heal from the past trauma of abuse. It can be a way to heal from hyper independence and teach your kids how to have healthy relationships. This post explores the why and how of asking for help.


Is Struggling Single Mom Your Identity?

Is Struggling Single Mom Your Identity?
Single Mom life is difficult. No question. Sometimes you struggle in certain areas - financially, relationally, dealing with a lack of support. These things happen, but do you find yourself believing that this is who you are?

Setting Boundaries With Narcissists

Setting Boundaries With Narcissists
Instantly my chest clenched and my stomach was in knots because suddenly I was faced with this person who was a bit of a bully. I realized I needed to stand up to her but I wasn’t sure how to do it.
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